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The Tools To Change Lives


For advisers who have their clients’ best interests at heart, it remains frustrating when you read an article in the financial press highlighting financial scams that leave the client significantly out of pocket. The majority of advisers would never put their clients in such a situation, but it’s often what we read about.

As advisers, we often get caught up in things like active versus passive or is independent better that restricted. But instead of focusing on the differences between us, we should remember the power we have to change someone’s life. One of the ways we do this is through cashflow modelling tools.

When we first moved into the world of using modelling tools, we saw how they helped us communicate better and positively impact our clients’ lives. The power cashflow modelling can bring to enhance a conversation is remarkable. Cashlow modelling can enable someone to see what home they can buy, how they can help their children or accomplish numerous other things.

A good financial plan that incorporates a cashflow forecast suddenly makes the numbers and words we all use come to life for our clients. It suddenly makes financial services more tangible and lift off a page. Using the right tool in the right way makes it far more than just a tool. Using the tool correctly is just as important as which tool you’re using.

We see first-hand the impact and reward of an amazing outcome for our clients. The delight on clients’ faces when you deliver the empowering news such as being able to retire early is unforgettable – it almost reminds me of my children on Christmas morning!


A great example of this is a couple we met recently. They were unhappy at work and wanted to retire, approximately 7 years earlier than originally planned. They had used an adviser before but didn’t have the faith that one of the biggest decisions in their life was possible. After speaking to a friend of theirs who’s our client, they had got in touch. We reviewed their finances and helped them understand what they wanted to achieve with their retirement as well as general principles of financial planning. Finally, we prepared a financial plan for them incorporating a cashflow forecast.

We shared what could potentially be done and presented the cashflow forecast so they could see not just today but for the longer term. We showed them how with the right plan, their finances would help them do what they wanted to, including potential future car purchases and special holidays, as well as daily expenditure. This information was powerful enough that it enabled the clients to retire immediately. They were over the moon, and one of the clients even jokingly stated ‘that she wanted to kiss me’. Suddenly their goals had become reality. The way we had presented them was the key to helping them understand and believe.

Whilst cashflow forecasting won’t make client accomplishments happen on their own, it certainly helps and we would urge all advisers to use it to make sure they help change someone’s life for the better!

Simon Lister headshot

Simon is the Managing Director at ML with responsibility for the running of the company on a day to day basis, managing the finance and heading up the ML Investment Committee.

Having started within financial services in 1997 in the field of Actuarial Pensions, he soon discovered his passion for pension knowledge. Since becoming an Independent Financial Adviser in 2001, Simon has held a number of senior roles within the industry and is now the Pensions specialist within ML.

Married to Tanya, who also works at ML, they have two children – Charlie and Mollie, so weekends are family time for all four of them as well as spending time with their cockapoo, Coco. Simon also helps coach Charlie’s football team and is a passionate Norwich City fan and season ticket holder.